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Pandora makes the wise decision

Tam Hunt
2 min readApr 4, 2023


ChatGPT wrote this modern-day fable

Once upon a time, in a dense forest, there was a curious young girl named Pandora. One day, while exploring the forest, she came across a small, intricately decorated box with the words “Open Me” written on the top. As she picked up the box, she noticed there was more writing below the first message that said “Consult your best scientists and philosophers before opening me.”

Intrigued and unsure of what to do, Pandora decided to seek advice from the wisest people she knew. She reached out to scientists and philosophers who had studied these boxes before, and after conducting a thorough survey, they informed her that there was a 10% chance that opening the box could lead to the destruction of the universe, but a 90% chance that she would be granted every wish.

Pandora was faced with a difficult decision. She wondered whether the risk was worth taking. She considered her options and weighed the potential outcomes carefully. The temptation to make all her wishes come true was strong, but the thought of causing the destruction of the entire universe was terrifying.

After much deliberation, Pandora decided not to open the box. She realized that the potential risk of causing destruction on such a large scale was not worth it, no matter how great the reward. She learned that in life, we are often faced with risks, and it is important to consider all the potential outcomes before making a decision.

Pandora also learned that it is important to have a support system when dealing with risk. By seeking advice from scientists and philosophers, she was able to make an informed decision that was in her best interest. She learned that when faced with risk, it is essential to consult with knowledgeable and experienced individuals who can help you navigate the situation.

In the end, Pandora put the box back where she found it and continued on her journey. She was proud of herself for making a wise decision, and she felt empowered knowing that she had the ability to assess risks and make informed choices. She realized that sometimes the greatest reward is not in the outcome but in the process of making the right decision.



Tam Hunt

Public policy, green energy, climate change, technology, law, philosophy, biology, evolution, physics, cosmology, foreign policy, futurism, spirituality